Consultation Info
Telehealth Appointments
Due to the way society has changed since the onset of COVID in 2020, we are finding that Telehealth has been a choice for most of our clients in recent months. It is a more convenient way for consulting and saves time and money for both client and practitioner. While established clients may continue to Telehealth with us, the system we are currently using is outdated. Therefore, we will be moving to a new Telehealth system very soon so that we can provide service for more people. It will be an easy way for both established clients and guests to coordinate appointments, as well as walk-in visits, right through a mobile app. Stay tuned!
Focused Consult Visits:
90-minute initial, focused* session = $325
60-minute follow-up, focused session = $110
30-minute follow-up, focused session = $65
Individual Visits (acute illness):
30-minute session = $65
15-minute session = $40
Focused Consult Visits: Sessions include chronic illnesses (i.e., autoimmune disease, hormonal problems, obesity) in which the client needs long-term care.
Individual Visits: Sessions are meant for acute illnesses that are short-term such as the common cold, influenza, constipation, etc.
Free eMail Consultation
Are you interested in scheduling an appointment but want to learn more about our therapeutic treatment plans? Feel free to contact us, and we'll answer all your questions about our services to make sure we're a good fit for each other. Please note that advice will not be given during via email. You'll have to schedule an appointment for any health consultation.
New Client In-House Package - $1,195
Your first visit with our naturopathic practitioner will include an in-depth, collaborative conversation that discusses your personal and family health history, lifestyle history, current health concerns, and initial wellness plan. Upon the initial consultation, functional/conventional lab tests may be ordered to get an overall picture of your current health status. Initial recommendations will be made which include diet, supplements, exercise, sleep schedule, and stress reduction methods. A follow-up appointment will be made approximately two weeks after the initial consult (usually after any lab reports have been received). At the follow-up consultation, our naturopathic practitioner will have a comprehensive therapeutic protocol ready to go over with you. Following is what is included with the New Client Package:
Initial Appointment:
90-minute session
Personal & family health history review
Lifestyle history review
Current health review
Initial wellness plan review
Lab recommendations/order
First Follow-up Appointment:
60-minute session
Lab review
Research findings
Comprehensive 3-month therapeutic plan
Supplement recommendations
Three Assessments:
30-minute sessions (3 count)
Client wellness analysis
Therapeutic plan revisions (if necessary)
Supplement re-order (if necessary)
Emails & Phone Calls
Wellness documentation
Return Client In-House Visits - Starting at $65
Return office visits are intended for clients who have established care with our clinic and are following up from previous visits or have an acute illness such as the common cold or flu. Prices for individual visits and packages are listed below:
Focused Consult Packages:
Three 30-minute focused sessions = $185
Three 60-minute focused sessions = $315
Individual Visits (acute illness):
30-minute session = $65
60-minute session = $110
All payments for in-house appointments are due when booking appointments. If you need a payment plan, it may be discussed at that time. Because we are not an allopathic clinic, we unfortunately cannot accept medical insurance. Also, please see Cancelation Policy in case you need to cancel or reschedule your appointment. Telehealth clients and guests may pay after visit.